Aquarius (The Water Bearer)

Jan 21 – Feb 20

Air sign

Ruling Planet: Saturn & Uranus

Color Spectrum – Violet – Wavelength: 380-450nm; Frequency: 668 – 789THz Key

Theme: I Know

Gemstones: Sapphire, Opal, Turquoise

Astral colors: Blue like the sky, Pink, Nile Green

Characteristics: Humanitarian, altruistic friendship-first and foremost is the Friend Within

Cell Salt: Natrium muriaticum or Sodium chloride

Deficiency Symptoms of Natrium Mur:

Feeling weary and tired on arising in the morning; irritability; no pep or vitality until later into day; too little or too much saliva; mouth and tongue dry and parched, esp. in the morning; sun-stroke; dull, heavy, and hammering headaches; neuralgic pains in the eyes, and flow of tears; the flow of tears when associated with cold in the head; dandruff; eruptions on the scalp with watery contents; blisters anywhere on the body; itching skin; smarting secretions from the eyes; fresh colds with transparent mucus and sneezing; hay fever, asthma, influenza (hay fever and “colds” are due to certain mineral deficiencies which naturally cause the vascular linings to be insufficiently protected; thus the particles may cause irritation. We tend to blame plants for it, but it is really our imbalances within); swelling of glands under tongue; blisters on tip of tongue; constant spitting of frothy mucus, inflammation of mucus lining of the throat; sore throat with excessive dryness; stinging piles; catarrh of the bladder; diabetes; chronic gonorrhea; chronic syphilis; pleurisy, pulse rapid and intermittent heart beats felt all over the body; blood thin and watery; anemia; “fidgets”; joints cracking and creaking; hysterical spasms and debility; restlessness and twitching of the muscles; stings of insects; dropsy; delirium torments and wandering; stupor and sleepiness; despondent moods.

Note any of these symptoms you may have:

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The solar system has entered the “Sign of the Son of Man,” where it will remain for over 2,000 years; hence, when the sun passes through Aquarius once every year, we have the double influence of Aquarius vibrations.

Air contains 78% nitrogen gas scientists believe to be a mineral in ultimate potency. The precipitation of nitrogen gas forms minerals. Differentiation is attained by the proportion of oxygen and aqueous vapour (hydrogen) that unites with nitrogen.

A combination of sodium and chlorine forms the mineral known as common salt. This mineral absorbs water. The circulation or distribution of water in the human organism is due to the chemical action of sodium chloride molecules.

Note: common table salt particles are too coarse to be taken up by the blood corpuscles (cells) and irritate the stomach and intestinal tract.