Capricorn (Great Work of The Goat)
Dec 22 – Jan 21
Earth sign
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Color Spectrum – Wavelength Color: Blue-Violet-Purple
Key Theme: I Use
Gemstones: White Onyx, Moonstone
Astral colors: Garnet, Brown, Silver-Gray, Black
Characteristics: foundational, framework builders of society – the commonwealth of human interests; mature, reflective, transformational growth
Cell Salt: Calcarea phosphate (or phosphate of lime) – must be adequately titrated as per the biochemical process.
Deficiency Symptoms of Calcium Phosphate:
poor memory, incapacity for concentrated thought; weak minds in those practicing or who have practiced self-abuse; fear; panic; desire for solitude; cold feeling in the head; also tight sensation in the head; skull thin and soft; crawling sensation over head; dropsy of brain; loss of hair; inability to hold head up; eyes sensitive to artificial light; aching of eyeballs; swelling of glands; nasal polyps; cold in the head and albuminous discharge; anemic, dirty-looking face; pimples on face; feeling of coldness and numbness; bad, disgusting taste in the mouth, esp, in morning; very fetid breath; decay of teeth; enlargement of throat; goiter (other salts required); chronic enlargement of the tonsils; pain in throat on swallowing; constant hoarseness; rough, hoarse voice in children; pain after eating – food seeming to lie in a lump; food causing distress; abnormal appetite; sinking or faint feeling in stomach; palpitation of the heart and weakness; pain in the bones; all bone troubles; spinal irritation; injuries to base of spine or coccyx; convulsions in teething children; bones easily broken; stunted growth; cellular disturbances; restless sleep.
Note any of these symptoms you may have:
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Associated with large business interests – where many laborers are employed.
Bone tissue is composed principally of phosphate of lime, known as Calcarea phosphate or Calcium phosphate.
When the molecules of lime phosphate fall below the standard, a disturbance often occurs in the bone tissue, and the decay of bone, known as caries of bone, commences. The phosphate of lime is the worker of albumin. It carries it to bone and uses it as cement to make bone.
So-called “Bright’s disease” is simply an overflow of albumin via kidneys due to a deficiency of phosphate of lime.
When the Goat salt is deficient, the gastric juice and bile ferments arise from undigested foods; acids from this find their way to synovial fluids in the joints of legs or arms, or hands and often cause severe pains (rheumatism);
Non-functional albumin, caused by a lack of lime phosphate, is the cause of eruptions, abscesses, consumption, catarrh, and many so-called diseases.