Libra (The Balance)
Sept 23 – Oct 23
Libra (The Balance) Sept 23 – Oct 23
Air sign
Governing Planet: Venus
Color Spectrum – Green: Wavelength: 495-570nm; Frequency: 526-606THz
Key Theme: I Balance
Gemstones: Diamond and Opal
Astral colors: Pastels, soft colors t soothe the soul; also Black, Crimson
Characteristics: gentle, mystical, body as a temple, house, the vision of the sun
Cell Salt: Natrium phosphate (alkaline); Nat phos - properly titrated as per biochemical process
Deficiency Symptoms of Natrium Phosphate:
Itching, quarrelsome, disagreeable, headache on the crown of the head and also the forehead. Feeling as if the skull were too full; intense pressure and heat, causing one to fear insanity; headache with pain in the stomach, giddiness; inflammation of the eyes, and secretion of golden-yellow, creamy matter. Ears may become sore and scabby with creamy discharge; itching of the nose, denoting worms; face red and blotches, blotches coming and going; acid rising; sour taste in mouth; canker sores; tonsils and throat inflamed; dyspepsia; gastric abrasions; ulcers that can turn to cancer. Also, seminal weakness or emissions; increased sexual desire; acid secretions from vagina; irregular periods, when accompanied by frontal headache; morning nausea in pregnancy; palpitation and irregularity of heart action (result of imperfect digestion); trembling around the heart, especially after eating; rheumatism of the joints; cracking and creaking with pain and soreness; eczema; “rose-rash”’ hives; flashes of heat from indigestion; itching of the anus; restless sleep. Negative attitudes include sharp, cutting, disagreeable, and unattractive are the negatives of agreeable, pleasant, attractive, charming, beautiful, and loveliness; the attributes of the purified Venus will be readily seen.
Note any of these symptoms you may have:
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A certain amount of acid is always present in the blood, nerve, stomach, and liver fluids. The apparent excess of acid is always due to a deficiency in the alkaline Libra salt.
In alchemical lore, acid is represented as Satan (or Saturn), while sodium phosphate symbolizes Christ (Neptune). And the absence of sodium phosphate (Christ) gives license to the destructive energies (Saturn) to run riot in the Holy Temple (the body). In the Bible and New Testament, references to the temple in figurative language always symbolize the human organism. “Know ye not that your bodies are the Temple of the Living God?” Solomon’s temple is an allegory of the physical body of man and woman.
Hate, envy, criticism, jealousy, competition, selfishness, war, suicide, and murder are primarily caused by the acid condition of the blood, producing changes by chemical poisons and irritations of the brain cells. The keys upon which the soul plays “Divine harmonies” or plays “fantastic tricks before high heaven” according to the arrangement of chemical molecules in the great laboratory of the soul.
Without a proper balance of the Venus salt, the agent of peace and love, man is fit for “treason and spoils.”
The people of the world never needed the alkaline of Libra salt more than they do at the present time while wars strut upon the stage of life.