Cancer (The Chemistry of “The Crab”)

June 21 – July 22

Water sign

Governing planets: Moon (also Mercury and Mars)

Color Spectrum - wavelength color: Orange-Yellow

Key Theme: I Feel

Gemstones: Emerald, Black Onyx

Astral Colors: Bright White, Silver; Gray, some say, Green and Russet Brown

Characteristic: Nurturing; the mother sign of the Zodiac and habitation

Cell Salt: Calcarea Fluorica (fluoride & lime) – must be adequately triturated as per the biochemical process.

Deficiency Symptoms of Calcium Fluoride:

Skin is rough, capping, and cracking; fissures tend to form in certain parts, such as between the toes, around the fingers, anus, back of the ears, or corners of the mouth. The skin has become deficient in this rubbery-tissue material – the elastic substance. Hard growths, tumors of a fibroid character on the jaw or cheekbones; loose teeth; receding gums; thin and brittle enamel; tongue has a cracked appearance; elongation of the uvula; hemorrhoids; apparently increased quantity of urine (due to a relaxed condition of muscular fibres); hardening of the testicles; dragging pains in the groin; prolapsed uterus; varicose veins; digestive disturbances; spleen trouble; valvular heart trouble; cataracts forgetfulness and fear of poverty are some outstanding indications of the need of this salt. A “crusty” disposition is another.

Note any of these symptoms you may have:

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This is a fiber-builder.

Deficiencies in the blood lead to physical and mental disease (or not at ease). All relaxed conditions of tissue (varicose veins and kindred ailments) are due to insufficient elastic fiber to “rubber” the tissue and hold it in place.

When elastic fibre is deficient in the tissue of the membrane between the upper and lower brain poles – cerebrum and cerebellum – this results in sagging and separation of the positive and negative poles of the dynamo brain parts that runs the machinery of man.

An unfailing sign or symptom of this deficiency is a groundless fear of financial ruin.

Not through quarantine, disinfectants, nor “Boards of Health” will humans reach the long-sought plane of health; not through affirmations of health nor denials of disease will bodily regeneration be wrought; not by dieting will the elixir of life and the philosopher’s stone be found.

When a man’s body is made chemically perfect, the operations of the mind will perfectly express.