TAURUS (The Winged Bull)
April 21 – May 21
Governing Planet: Venus
Color Spectrum – wavelength
Color: Red-Orange
Key Theme: I Have
Gems: Emerald, Moss-agate
Astral Colors: Red, Orange, Pastel Orange (peach), and Pink
Characteristic: stability, nurturing, firmness led by love
Parts of the Body: ears, face around lower jaw, cerebellum, neck, throat, liver, gallbladder
Cell Salt: Natrium sulphate or Nat. sulph (must be adequately triturated as per biochemical process)
Deficiency Symptoms of Natrium Sulphate:
Pains in the back of the head, sometimes extending down the spine and then affecting the liver. The chief duty of Nat. sulph is to eliminate excess water from the body.
Blood does not become overcharged with water from the water we drink but from an atmosphere overcharged with aqueous vapor drawn from water in rivers, lakes, or other sources by sun heat above seventy degrees in the shade. The more surplus water there is to be thrown out of the blood, the more sodium sulfate is required.
All so-called bilious or malarial troubles are simply chemical effects or actions caused by deficient sulfate or soda. Chills and fever are Nature’s methods of getting rid of surplus water by squeezing it out of the blood through violent muscular, nervous, and vascular spasms.
Note any of these symptoms you may have:
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Man is an eternal verity – the truth. Truth never had a beginning.
Those born during the sign of Taurus can descend very deep into materiality or soar “High as that Heaven where Taurus wheels,” as written by Edwin Markham, a Taurean.
“It is a vision waiting and aware, and you must bring it down, oh men of worth, Bring down the New Republic hung in the air,
And make for it foundations on the Earth.”
Air is the raw material for blood, and when it is drawn in, or breathed in, by the “infinite alchemist,” to the blood vessels, it unites with the philosopher's stone and mineral salts, and the human laboratory creates blood.
So blood is the elixir of life. The sulfate of sodium, known as Natrium sulphate, chemically corresponds to the physical and mental characteristics of those born in the month of Taurus.