Virgo (The Virgin Mary)

Aug 23 – Sept 23

Earth sign

Governing Planet: Mercury

Color Spectrum – Wavelength Color: Yellow-Green

Key Theme: I Analyze

Gemstones: Pink Jasper

Astral colors: Gold and Black; also Greens and Browns of Earth

Characteristic: To increase power or “son of the right hand.” Virgin Mary, means pure sea or water.

Cell Salt: Kali sulph, an excellent salt, and its operation in the divine laboratory of man’s body, where it manufactures oil, is the miracle of the chemistry of life (must be adequately titrated as per biochemical process)

Deficiency Symptoms of Kali Sulph:

Lack of potassium causes virulent and poisonous diseases, and those are easily poisoned by tainted food and need to be extremely careful relative to their diet.

If Kali sulph acts as a fuel, deficiency in it will cause a person to feel suffocated and feels greatly under certain atmospheric conditions. Deficiencies also produce a rise of temperature in the afternoon and early evening and a desire for cold air. It also causes severe hot flashes.

Other symptoms include scaly and sticky dandruff; hair falling out; yellow and yellowish-green discharge from eyes; inflammation of the conjunctiva; earache with sharp, cutting pain; deafness from swelling of the internal ear; catarrhal conditions of the head and throat, acute or chronic, with the discharge of yellow or greenish matter (this salt should be given freely for colds and to promote perspiration); stuffy colds; neuralgia of the face with shifting, intermittent pain, evening aggravation; cancer on nose, face, or on any part of the body (give Kali sulph and Ferrum) frequently for intestinal, also vaginal and uterine cancer. Other symptoms are dread of hot drinks; thirstlessness; gastric fever; all abdominal troubles; typhoid and typhus fever; cystitis; sexual disorders; bronchitis; cough which is worse in the evening; pneumonia; whooping-cough; skin hot, dry and harsh; rheumatic pains in joints of a shifting, wandering nature; rattling and gurgling of mucus in the chest; fungoid inflammation of the joints; all sores which exude a thin, yellow, watery matter; skin scaling freely on a sticky base; eczema; blood poisoning; typhoid and smallpox. And all children’s diseases to aid in the formation of new skin.

The human body must possess sufficient Kali sulph to enable the solar plexus to create its perfect health.

Note any of these symptoms you may have:

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The first element that is disturbed of those born in the celestial sign Virgo is oil: this break in the function of oil shows a deficiency in potassium sulphate, known in pharmacy as Kali sulphate.

Virgo is represented in the human body by the solar plexus and bowels. The solar plexus is the great receiving station of energy from the back brain, while the bowels complete the chemicalization of the food products ready to be assimilated by the blood.

Virgo people are discriminating, analytical, and critical.

When the body is in health, little jets of steam are constantly escaping from the seven million pores of the skin. A deficiency in Kali sulph molecules causes the oil in the tissue to thicken and clog these safety valves of the human engine, thus turning heat and secretions back upon the inner organs, lungs, pleura, membrane of nasal passages, etc. Doesn’t it seem strange that medical science, which boasts of such significant progress, can invent no better term than “bad cold” for these chemical results?