Scorpio (From Scorpion to White Eagle)

Oct 23 – Nov 22

Water sign

Governing Planet: Mars & Pluto

Color Spectrum – Wavelength color: Green-Blue

Key Theme: I Desire

Gemstones: Malachite & Topaz

Astral colors: Black, Red & Golden Brown

Characteristics: sensual, deeply passionate; a Doer of Things – also fiery at times; vibrations of blood; need to watch “boiling over;” create or ascend.

Cell Salt: Calcarea sulphate (must be titrated appropriately according to the biochemical method)

Deficiency Symptoms of Calcium Sulph:

a burning sensation – feet, stomach, anywhere in the body; ulcerated stomach; long-continued suppuration (formation or discharge of pus – yellow, purulent matter), one of the three causes of anemia; yellowish or pasty-colored complexion; abscess of the cornea; deep-seated ulcers of the eye; discharge of pus from the ear; third stage of cold when discharge is thick and yellow; chronic catarrh; mattery pimples on the face, esp. at puberty, purulent secretions in the mouth; ulceration of the roots of the teeth; swollen gums and cheeks; third stage of sore throat and pus discharges; discharge of matter or blood and matter from the bowels; abscess of the liver; ulceration of the bowels; running off of the bowels; chronic inflammation of the bladder; suppurating abscess of the prostate in the male or ovaries in the female; syphilis or gonorrhea, in the pus discharge stage; yellow leucorrhea; inflammation of the breast; all stages of tuberculosis; cough with mattery sputa; burning of soles of the feet; festering easily, esp. around the nails; neglected would which do not seem able to heal.

Note any of these symptoms you may have:

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From Scorpion to White Eagle may seem a very long journey to one who has not learned the science of patience or realized that time is an illusion of physical sense.

Scorpio is represented in human material organisms by sexual functions.

In Sanskrit, six means sex. Three means male, father, the spirit of the male, and the son; this trinity forms one pole of being, energy, or life – the positive polarity. The negative polarity is the female trinity: the female spirit of mother and daughter. Thus, two threes or trinities produce six or sex, the operation of which is the cause of all manifestations.

The possibilities of Scorpio people are boundless after they have passed through trials and tribulations, I.e., some type of crucifixion or “crossification” that transforms the mind from the lower levels to the higher levels of consciousness.

Scorpio people are natural magnetic healers, especially after having passed through the waters of adversity, since the union of water and lime causes heat.

A break in the molecular chain of the Scorpio salt, caused by a deficiency of that material in the blood, is the primal cause of all so-called diseases of these people. Disturbances not only cause symptoms called disease in physical functions, but it disturbs the astral fluids and gray matter of brain cells, thereby changing the operation of the mind into in harmony. Since it means to lack or fall short; thus, chemical deficiencies in life’s chemistry cause “sin.”

When man learns to supply his dynamo with the proper dynamics, he will “wash away his sins with the blood of Christ” – blood made with the “White Stone.”