Leo (The Heart of the Zodiac)

July 22 – Aug 23

Fire sign

Governing celestial body: The Sun

Color Spectrum – Yellow: Wavelength 570-590nm; Frequency: 508-526THz

Key Theme: I Will

Gemstones: Ruby and Diamond, the precious stone of chrysolite, the golden stone Astral colors: Gold-Yellow like the halo of the Sun; some also say Red and Green Characteristic: Children of the Sun; warmth, pride in community, creativity

Cell Salt: Phosphate of Magnesia – must be adequately titrated as per biochemical process.

Deficiency Symptoms of Magnesium Phosphate:

illusions of the senses and strange mental disorders – closely allied with Kali or potassium. Nervous headache with illusions of sight; “seeing double,” seeing colors; headache with chilly sensations up and down the spine; sharp, shooting, darting, and intermittent pain; all pain which heat relieves and cold aggravates; pain in the nape of the neck, of sharp character; sensitiveness to light; spasmodic twitching of the eyelids; squinting; pain in eyes; spasmodic earache relieved by heat; loss of sense of smell; twitching of mouth or lips; spasmodic stammering; spasmodic closing of the windpipe; constricted feeling in the throat; stomach spasms; cramping of the solar plexus; pain accompanying belching of gas; spasmodic retention of urine; stricture of male sexual organs; menstrual colic; neuralgia of ovaries; constrictive cough of asthma; shooting sensation in limbs, resembling electric shocks; trembling and involuntary movements of hands; paralysis agitans; epileptic spasms; writer’s cramp; yawning with spasmodic straining of the lower jaw. Three other salts are required for Magnesium: Natrium Mur, Natrium Sulph and Calcium Sulph.

Note any of these symptoms you may have:

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Leo people receive the heart vibrations or pulses of the Grand Man or “Circle of Beasts.” All the blood in the body passes through the heart. Leo native receives every quality and possibility contained in the great “alchemical vase,” the “Son of Heaven.”

Phosphate of magnesia is the remedy for all spasmodic impulsive symptoms. This salt gives the “Lion’s spring” or impulse to the blood that throbs through the heart.

The Sun’s rays or vibrations must contain a high potency of earth salt, magnesia, to be available for use in bodily function. Through the chemical action of the inorganic (mineral and water) in the organic (Sun’s rays and ether), the volatile become fixed, and the Word becomes flesh.

Leo people or strong Leo influences in one’s astrological influences, consume their birth salts more rapidly than any other salts in the blood; hence they are often deficient in magnesium.

A deficiency of Magnesium phosphate causes some very curious and striking symptoms. When particles of this salt become very deficient, there is a disturbance in the fibers of nerves and muscular tissue, and their action is no longer rhythmic—spasmodic action results. Symptoms are as follows: cramps in the limbs, fingers, neck, in any part of the body; lockjaw; spasmodic coughing, sneezing, choking, crying, laughing, and hiccough.

This is the only true spasmodic remedy, and it very soon brings relief when taken in boiling water. It is also the specific remedy for pain.

Angina pectoris is a painful symptom that calls for large doses of this salt. Neuritis and neuralgia also indicate a need for it, but other salts are also required.

All heart and motor system troubles call for Magnesium phosphate. It is suggested by the author that where Calcium in any one combination (or all three) is deficient, Magnesium should also be included because there is a special affinity between it and Calcium. Whenever a person’s chemical plan calls for Magnesium, Ferrum should also be taken because they require each other. There is never a condition where there is no call for Ferrum since it is the attractor of oxygen in the body, the means of purification and the great healer.